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+40 free courses from freeCodeCamp, Kaggle & DataCamps

Free Certificates from freeCodeCamp

freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that can teach you to code online for free. It includes thousands of hours of learning content exploring topics from web development to machine learning. The content is structured into certifications. Each is dedicated to a particular topic and leads to a free certificate of completion.
Here are the certifications currently offered by freeCodeCamp:

Free Certificates from Kaggle

Kaggle is an online community for data scientists and machine learning practitioners. You can create your own data science and machine learning projects using over 50,000 public datasets and 400,000 public notebooks in a configuration-free Jupyter Notebooks environment. Kaggle has organized over 500 open competitions for learners and experts to develop their data science skills. It also offers 16 free hands-on courses to help you learn the basics of data science, such as Intro to Machine Learning or Feature Engineering. You’ll get a certificate of completion when you finish a course.Here are the certifications currently offered by freeCodeCamp:

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